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Edinfini Assessments

A Hassle-Free Process With Automation And High Security

One of the most important uses of e-learning systems in higher education is their ability to evaluate
or assess the knowledge of a student. Online quizzes and assessments are among the most widely
used types of evaluation with two main purposes: they evaluate students’ progress and help
students in learning. Assessments represent an important aspect of measuring this learning and
knowledge imparted by the Institutions. Edinfini modules are useful tools to design various
assessments with the flexibility of time and location and lesser administrative burden. The types of
Assessments can be Multiple choice questions, Open-ended questions / Case based discussions,
Oral exams or interviews, Open-book assessments, eLearning blogs, and essays, Online
Discussions, etc.

Setup the assessment structure dates, give each assessment due weightage, max marks, minimum passing percentage

Upload scores of mid-terms, final-term, quizzes, assignments

Setup of a Grading Scale to determine the marks threshold in which specific grade will be given

Generate and approve award lists and attendance sheets at different levels


Setup Assessment Structure

Edinfini supports modern learning methods and one way it proves itself is through the variety of assessments that can be accommodated through the platform. While the above is a great benefit to students’ learning value and success, it is relatively easy for Instructors set up assessment structure with addition of specified information and workflow processes such as automated time clock, submission option, learning goals, provision to recheck and edit answers, percent weightage of each assessment section and re-sit provision . Creating a course structure using Edinfini students assessment feature is very easy and instant.

Flexibility and Lesser Administrative Burden

Allow students to option to sit for the exam at a location of their choice. With Edinfini student assessment module, teachers can invigilate the assessments remotely. This reduces the stress of the students and teachers and also helps save the time and cost of travel. Reduce the administrative burden on the institute, helping save the time and effort on the printing and distribution of exam papers, the setting up on examination centers and classrooms.
Learning Management System
Business Intelligence

Easier and Environment Friendly Report Creation

Edinfini students assessment system also makes it easy to create reports. These reports can be customized according to the guidelines of the Institution or to reflect the various parameters of the student performance. This also give institutes the opportunity to go paperless as all the examination related papers, printing and the transportation of the same is completely eliminated.

Economically Expedient

One of the key benefits of Edinfini assessments is that they greatly reduce the human, logistic and administrative costs associated with a traditional examination method.
Business Intelligence

Want to discover how Edinfini Assessments
can help your institution?

Success Stories​
“Edinfini, with it’s powerfully integrated and fully automated tools has dramatically transformed and streamlined our operations, having positive impact on overall student and faculty servicing, resulting in higher retention. It’s a pleasure having worked with Edinfini’s team of thorough professionals focused on student success.”
Syed Zain-ul-Abedin Shah

Director Finance
University of Sindh

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